Account Management

Easily manage clients and locations

Setup and maximize performance of Facebook Ads


Add new accounts and services with ease.


Get alerts and notifications ensuring top performance.


Track and measure clicks, leads, and sales.

Onboard New or Existing Accounts

Create new Facebook Ad accounts including pixel, offline events, and more or add and organize existing accounts.

Over 200 automotive integrations

Pull inventory from over 120 providers, track website visitors and leads on over 100 website providers and Integrate leads with your CRM using ADF XML.

Manage and Maximize Account

Get notified when payments fail, pixel has been removed or malfunctioning, feed issues, or underperforming ads.

Quick Links

Jump inside of Facebook Business Manager to the exact tool you need. No more hunting for the right information. The right account, pixel, audiences, payments and catalogs in once central place.

Report on Key Metrics

Funnel visualization of ads, call tracking, Facebook Marketplace engagement data, and detailed ad reporting.

Try BuyerBridge today!