Facebook Automotive Inventory Ads

Deploy and manage Facebook Automotive Inventory Ads at scale

Bring your locations and automate inventory advertising today. No tech knowledge required.


Create infrastructure and ads with a click of a button.

Target & Convert

Prospect and retarget in-market shoppers to leads.


Track and measure clicks, leads, and sales.

Deploy New or Existing Accounts

Add Facebook Automotive Inventory Ads to an existing ad account & website or deploy a new instance in your Business Manager.

Inventory to Automotive Catalog

Pull inventory from over 120 providers, normalize, enhance, and create automotive catalogs. We also provide product catalogs for advanced advertisers (into Instagram shopping?)!

Website Code

Don’t be scared or confused! We integrate the Facebook Pixel with Automotive Inventory Ad Events on over 100 automotive website providers and ensure we can track user engagement on vehicles so you can maximize results and report on all of those opportunities you will create for your dealers.

Dynamic Retargeting & Dynamic Leads

Automatically follow up on website visitors who have shown intent. Convert shoppers directly on Facebook & Instagram with Dynamic Lead Ads and push leads directly into your dealers CRM.

Added bonus, you will be the lead provider so you can easily track the show and close of these leads with CRM reports!

Data & Targeting

Target in-market shoppers using Broad Audience Targeting, Facebook’s proprietary in-market targeting. BuyerBridge clients get over 5% click-through-rate (CTR) on prospecting/cold traffic…say what?!


Take that Google Display 👊.

Report on Key Metrics

Funnel visualization of stats, lead and call tracking and detailed campaign reporting. Don’t get fired because the dealership doesn’t know what you are doing for them. Become their #1 traffic and lead source!

Plus, we UTM tag everything so you can find all the amazing traffic inside of your Google Analytics account!

Try BuyerBridge today!