Technical integrations made easy
The right tech team and code makes or breaks performance. Become unfireable!

Leads to CRM
Push leads from Facebook into your CRM.

Track Events
User and lead tracking on any website.

Call Tracking
Track and record phone calls from your campaigns.
Dynamic Leads Ads can really boost performance but how do you get the leads from Facebook to your dealership CRM? Welcome to LeadFlow. Automatically pull leads from Facebook, enhance with vehicle data, log to BuyerBridge, and push into your CRM using ADF XML or HTML. Viola, that was simple!

The Facebook Pixel is one of the most important parts of creating a successful Facebook campaign. Out-of-the-box pixels don’t perform on auto websites. Track Automotive Inventory Ads related events like ViewContent and Lead so you can maximize your prospecting and retargeting inventory ads. We have over 100 data points we track to help you maximize your ads. Build custom audiences or view events in Google Analytics

Google Analytics
Automatically UTM tag every campaign so you can track your traffic in GA. With EventFlow we even send VDP and lead events to GA Events so you can build goals and segmentation.

Call Tracking
Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) and custom call tracking numbers for Marketplace and Facebook Automotive Inventory Ads are fully supported. Record calls and listen inside of the BuyerBridge dashboard. Oh yeah, every number is also textable…when all else fails SMS prevails!