4 Best Practices for Agencies to Improve Any Dealers Snapchat Strategy

by Apr 5, 2022Advertising, Agency, Marketing, Snapchat, Social Media

Running Snapchat Ads is an effective way to showcase any dealer’s brand and inventory, YES!

But it’s definitely not the only way your agency can help dealerships reach in-market auto shoppers via Snapchat…

Snapchat provides a unique opportunity for businesses to build their brand organically. It doesn’t cost more $$$, it isn’t time-consuming, and it provides more value than you’d think!

Image Source: Snapchat

Click here to unlock the ultimate Snapchat Organic Guide and help any dealer get the best of both worlds (paid + organic).

Let’s go over 4 best practices that your agency needs to know to optimize any dealer’s content on Snapchat – and as a result, maximize the performance of their ads.

1. Be Fun And Creative 

Snapchat is different than other social channels like Facebook & Instagram; where business and brand content is mixed in with the posts from their friends and family.

Content from brands is totally separated from the content posted by friends on Snapchat and is placed in a user’s “Discover” feed. 

But the only way to show up in the “Discover” feed is by posting content that interests a user, is approachable, fun, plus creative. 

Snapchat is considered a more “chill” platform than others – merely in the sense that users expect content to be raw and for it to never feel like a straight-up production: organic or not.

So if there’s one thing your business should know, it’s how important it is for dealers to focus on posting content that’s user-generated. 

(The type of content that looks and feels organic, content that could be mistaken for something posted by friends or family.)

Why? Because user-generated content will resonate FAR more with a dealership’s audience than content that looks or feels like an ad.

2. Experiment With Various Content Styles

The initial launch of a dealer’s Snapchat profile is a chance to test content styles and learn what types of content engages users the most. 

From selfie-style and point-and-shoot videos to different length variations – options for content are endless on Snapchat.

Honestly, it can be overwhelming at first…

But your agency should find comfort in knowing that dealers have nothing to lose and everything to gain when experimenting organically. 

And remember – by testing organic performance, your agency will obtain insights that can be leveraged to maximize any dealer’s paid campaigns + develop their playbook for Snapchat.

This is why it’s so critical for your agency to encourage dealers to become “Snapchat scientists” and test, test, test. 

3. Create & Use Snapchat Filters

There are a ton of fun features that Snapchat provides its users to help spice up their content – from new graphics and stickers to filters and more! 

Filters are creative effects (or design overlays) dealers should be adding on top of their Snaps after taking them. 

They can add a filter of their Location (which will pull their dealership’s address under “Places”), add GIFs, the current time, and SO much more…

But one of the most important Snapchat filter dealers need to leverage is the Snapchat Geofilter. 

Snapchat Geofilters provide dealers with a way to create their very OWN geo-filter for their business and events!

When they create their own Geofilter, anyone on Snapchat in the dealer’s chosen location can use that filter on their own Snapchats (AKA, extra brand awareness!!). 

We’ve made it super easy for your business to help dealers create and use Snapchat Geofilters with a “How to Create a Snapchat Geofilter” guide, + a FREE Geofilter template!

Click here to download our Snapchat Organic Guide to get your hands on our Geofilter guide + customizable template and start helping dealers!

4. Promote OEM Snapchat Lenses

I think we’ve all heard of the “Metaverse,” where augmented reality and virtual reality create an enriched user experience (enter: Snapchat Lenses). 

Snapchat Lenses are playful augmented reality experiences that transform the way that users look, along with the world around them! 

And dealers have the opportunity to leverage Snapchat Lenses to curate engaging content that’s eye-catching with 3D effects, objects, characters, etc. 

While Snapchat provides an app for artists and developers to create Lenses, it is a bit complex…

But luckily, dealers don’t necessarily need to make their own lenses – they can simply search the “Explore Lenses” app for their OEM!

Brands like Toyota and Ford have launched AR versions of some vehicle models with a virtual walk-around, allowing Snapchatters a way to explore the interior or change the exterior color!

Check out these cool lenses: 

PRO TIP: Make sure that a dealer’s AR content is not just campaign-specific, but always on for continuous discoverability!

Snapchat Lenses are an awesome (FREE) built-in tool that dealers need to take advantage of as they create organic content and build their brand.

Maximize Discoverability “In A Snap”

It’s time for a quick recap of what we just went over – 4 of the best practices your agency needs to know to improve any dealer’s Snapchat strategy:

  1. Be Fun And Creative
  2. Experiment With Different Content Styles
  3. Create & Use Snapchat Filters
  4. Promote OEM Snapchat Lenses

Combined, these 4 best practices will help your agency take a dealer’s Snapchat strategy to the next level…

Yet there’s still more that your agency can do to help dealers take it even a step further, fully optimize their content, and TRULY transform their presence on Snapchat.

…It’s all in our Snapchat Organic Guide here.

Want to discover how your agency will round out any dealers strategy on Snapchat?

Download our “Snapchat Organic Guide: For Your Auto Agency’s Dealer- Clients” to find out the secrets for maximizing any dealer’s reach on Snapchat!

Lauren Blackwell

Lauren Blackwell
